Puerto Ricans

Hurricane Maria, one of the worst storms to hit the Caribbean Islands and even the United States. Puerto Rico was faced with mass destruction. Puerto Rico was without power, food, water, medicine, transportation, and shelter. Puerto Rico lost its infrastructure and even bridges collapsed. Schools were no longer in session and almost everything was destroyed. Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, therefore Puerto Ricans are Americans. There is a vast majority of Puerto Ricans living in the east coast, especially in Florida where Hurricane Maria also hit. At the time of the storm, the Washington Post hypothesized that about 1 million more Puerto Rican (American citizens) would be immigrating to the United States. They said that this would cause another disaster. Here's my issues: how is it immigrating if they're American citizens? How would it be an issue if Puerto Rico is part of the United States?  At this point, more than 80% of electricity has been restored, however rural parts of Puerto Rico are still without power.



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